1. (De)Construction of gender stereotypes in helen fielding’s novels “bridget jones's diary” (1996) and “bridget jones: the edge of reason” (1999)
  2. A contrastive analysis of vague language in spoken english of lithuanian learners of english and native speakers
  3. Application of decision trees and artificial neural networks in financial markets
  4. Applications of copulas in loan modelling
  5. Determining the gauge dependence of the loop-corrected light neutrino propagator
  6. Identification of the w-boson associated higgs boson production events with the cms detector at 13tev proton collision energy
  7. Identity formation in lithuanian diaspora press
  8. Molecular dynamics simulations of 1-decyl-3-methyl-imidazolium chloride ionic liquid and its mixtures with water
  9. Monitoring of laser-induced contamination on anti-reflective coating used in mars organic molecule analyzer
  10. Self–optimization in relational database management systems
  11. Shaping of porous zirconium oxide gradient structures by uv curable latex based binders
  12. Successful practices and approaches of seasoned project managers who work in virtual environments within the it field
  13. The art of mourning: verbal pentimento in donna tartt's “the goldfinch”
  14. The phenomenology of the holy in the metaphors of john donne and richard crashaw