1. Barriers for access to new medicines: searching for the balance between rising costs and limited budgets
  2. Enhancement of triplet-sensitized upconversion in rigid polymers via singlet exciton sink approach
  3. Genomic characterization of cyanophage vB_AphaS-CL131 infecting filamentous diazotrophic cyanobacterium aphanizomenon flos-aquae reveals novel insights into virus-bacterium interactions
  4. Impact of push and pull motivations on outbound tourists’ intentions to visit sustainable tourism destinations
  5. Is the battle over? The new Lithuanian law on assisted reproduction
  6. Modernus miestas kaip socioekologinė struktūra: 1870–1914 metų Kauno miesto struktūros ir plėtros analizės bandymas
  7. Stumiančiųjų ir traukiančiųjų veiksnių įtaka išvykstančiųjų turistų ketinimui lankyti darnaus turizmo tikslines vietoves
  8. Systemic measures and legislative and organizational frameworks aimed at preventing or mitigating drug shortages in 28 European and Western Asian countries
  9. Unique mechanism of target recognition by PfoI restriction endonuclease of the CCGG-family