1. Assessment of green investments’ impact on sustainable development: linking gross domestic product per capita, greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy
  2. Communication efficiency and effectiveness within strategic management of change: hierarchy and strategy development in Lithuanian civil service organizations
  3. Epidemiology and risk factors of sudden death due to pulmonary thromboembolism: a retrospective study
  4. Evaluating homicide in Lithuania in terms of forensic, ethical, social, and legal aspects
  5. Interplay of dynamical and structure effects in the observables for 12C(p,2p) near 400 MeV with polarized and unpolarized beams
  6. Suicides in Lithuania: rates, methods and distribution by age, gender and settlement, 2012-2016
  7. The post-mortem evaluation of glucose concentration in blood and its diagnostical value
  8. Transformational communication via evolving ethical and moral norms of Lithuanian civil service organizations
  9. Užslėptas tapatybių konfliktas: LDK paveldo diskursai Lietuvos ir Baltarusijos interneto žiniasklaidoje 2013–2014 metais
  10. Žinių kūrimo ir dalijimosi jomis poveikis inovacijoms
  11. Žmogžudysčių Lietuvoje vertinimas teismo medicininiu, etiniu, socialiniu ir teisiniu požiūriu