1. Comorbidity conception of somatic diseases in cardiology practice.
  2. EEG in fitness to drive evaluations in people with epilepsy — Considerable variations across Europe
  3. How to influence the results of MCDM? - Evidence of the impact of cognitive biases
  4. Inactivation of bacteria using bioactive nanoparticles and alternating magnetic fields
  5. Moterų informuotumas apie gimdymo skausmo malšinimo būdus
  6. New loci associated with carotenoid blood concentrations in the Lithuanian population cohort
  7. Non-price criteria for the evaluation of the tender offers in public procurement of Ukraine
  8. Quality of university management and its impact on the local community
  9. Reduced graphene oxide and polyaniline nanofibers nanocomposite for the development of an amperometric glucose biosensor
  10. The crime of genocide against the Lithuanian partisans: a dialogue between the Council of Europe and the Lithuanian Courts
  11. Vilniaus miesto ir apskrities GMP darbuotojų anketinė apklausa apie insulto ikihospitalinę pagalbą, GMP darbuotojų mokymų poreikį bei insulto klasterio veiklą