- Acute bilateral myopia induced by Triplixam: a case report
- Comparison of two different healing abutment cleaning protocols
- Evaluating international Haemophilia Joint Health Score (HJHS) results combined with expert opinion: Options for a shorter HJHS
- Kriptovaliutos apskaitos alternatyvų vertinimas
- Post-transplant cyclophosphamide versus antithymocyte globulin in patients with acute myeloid leukemia in first complete remission undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation from 10/10 HLA-matched unrelated donors
- Predictors of food sensitization in children and adults across Europe
- Prevalence of food sensitization and food allergy in children across Europe
- The EUTOS long-term survival (ELTS) score is superior to the Sokal score for predicting survival in chronic myeloid leukemia
- The evolving field of Dermato-oncology and the role of dermatologists: Position Paper of the EADO, EADV and Task Forces, EDF, IDS, EBDV-UEMS and EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Task Force
- Vertikaliai storų ir plonų dantenų histologinis palyginimas. Pilotinis tyrimas
- Victimization by traditional bullying and cyberbullying and the combination of these among adolescents in 13 European and Asian countries