1. Analysis of a novel bacteriophage vB_AchrS_AchV4 highlights the diversity of achromobacter viruses
  2. COVID-19 pandemijos įtaka slaugytojų perdegimo sindromui
  3. Evaluation of patients with resistant arterial hypertension before and after pharmacological treatment correction or a renal artery sympathetic denervation procedure
  4. Excitation of the 6d D-2 -> 6p P-2(o) radiative transitions in the Pb+ ion by electron impact
  5. Formation, modification and new applications of orderly structured titanium oxide nanostructures
  6. Gliukozės apykaita ankstyvame pogimdyviniame laikotarpyje moterims, sirgusioms gestaciniu diabetu. Literatūros apžvalga
  7. Higher levels of stress-related hair steroid hormones are associated with the increased SCORE2 risk prediction algorithm in apparently healthy women
  8. Rab40–Cullin5 complex regulates EPLIN and actin cytoskeleton dynamics during cell migration
  9. Rizikos veiksniai didesniam svorio prieaugiui nėštumo metu moterims, sergančioms gestaciniu diabetu. Literatūros apžvalga
  10. The dynamics of inflammatory markers in patients with suspected acute appendicitis
  11. The role of the leader in the integral system of ethics management in municipalities
  12. Širdies ir kraujagyslių ligų rizika vaikams, kurių motinos nėštumo metu sirgo gestaciniu diabetu. Sisteminė literatūros apžvalga