- Case study on the fingerprint processing in a workplace under GDPR Article 9 (2, b)
- Criminal offense or civil law dispute: to the issue of assessing unfair information business under the criminal legislation of Ukraine
- Criminological activity of forensic science institutions: the concept of implementation in Ukraine
- Essence of criminal law of the European Court of Human Rights
- Forbearance prediction using XGBoost and LightGBM models
- Formation of the system of legal protection of intellectual property in Ukraine and modern problems of its development
- Integrated structures of corporations: Ukrainian legal reality
- Interrogation in Ukrainian criminal procedure
- Legal status of the prosecutor’s office in Ukraine
- Reform of civil procedural legislation of Ukraine and problems of its implementation
- Regarding the right to creative freedom in the context of conflict with property rights as examplified by street art
- Slavijos paribiai XX–XXI amžių sandūroje. Kalba–visuomenė–kultūra–tapatybė = Pogranicza Słowiańszczyzny przełomu XX i XXI wieku. Język–społeczeństwo–kultura–tożsamość = Borderlands of the Slavonic Region at the Turn of 20th and 21st Centuries. Language–Society–Culture–Identity : tezės
- Some views on the grounds for rethinking the doctrine of ownership
- Succession with the foreign element of a share in a limited liability company registered in Ukraine
- Terms of pre-trial Investigation of criminal misdemeanors: gaps in legislation and case law
- The initial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on older workers in Lithuania
- The legal environment of advertising in Ukraine
- The right to defence in criminal proceedings: international law aspects