1. A few points about axiomatics of education
  2. Analysis of spatial distribution of crime of violence in Vilnius City municipality in 2015–2020
  3. Horses in Lithuania in the Late Roman–Medieval period (3rd–14th C AD) burial sites: updates on sze, age and dating
  4. Lithuanian spatial information infrastructure: 20 years of evolution, milestones, costs and benefits
  5. Map of mythical creatures of Africa
  6. Measuring the level of the youth informal economy in Lithuania in 2004–2020
  7. Violent crime in Lithuania: trends and patterns in 2015–2020
  8. Virtualiųjų stendų taikymo galimybės nusikalstamumo geografijoje, remiantis policijos registruotų viešosios tvarkos pažeidimų Vilniaus miesto savivaldybėje 2015–2019 m. pavyzdžiu
  9. Where maps lie: visualization of perceptual fallacy in choropleth maps at different levels of aggregation