- A few points about axiomatics of education
- Analysis of spatial distribution of crime of violence in Vilnius City municipality in 2015–2020
- Horses in Lithuania in the Late Roman–Medieval period (3rd–14th C AD) burial sites: updates on sze, age and dating
- Lithuanian spatial information infrastructure: 20 years of evolution, milestones, costs and benefits
- Map of mythical creatures of Africa
- Measuring the level of the youth informal economy in Lithuania in 2004–2020
- Violent crime in Lithuania: trends and patterns in 2015–2020
- Virtualiųjų stendų taikymo galimybės nusikalstamumo geografijoje, remiantis policijos registruotų viešosios tvarkos pažeidimų Vilniaus miesto savivaldybėje 2015–2019 m. pavyzdžiu
- Where maps lie: visualization of perceptual fallacy in choropleth maps at different levels of aggregation