- Associations between global competence and right-leaning population: evidence from PISA 2018 and European Social Survey
- Balansuojant tarp paidia ir ludus: kompiuteriniai žaidimai mokyklos ugdymo(si) procese
- HINT1 neuropathy in Lithuania: clinical, genetic, and functional profiling
- Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in primary immunodeficiencies in Lithuania
- Ifosfamide induced neurotoxicity in soft tissue tumours
- The interaction of personal data, intellectual property and freedom of expression in he context of language research
- Using PIRLS and TIMSS data for the assessment of efficiency and effectiveness of primary education in post-socialist and old democracy EU member states
- Šiuolaikinės katalikiškojo ugdymo diskurso transformacijos: teminė Bažnyčios dokumentų analizė