1. Associations between global competence and right-leaning population: evidence from PISA 2018 and European Social Survey
  2. Balansuojant tarp paidia ir ludus: kompiuteriniai žaidimai mokyklos ugdymo(si) procese
  3. HINT1 neuropathy in Lithuania: clinical, genetic, and functional profiling
  4. Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in primary immunodeficiencies in Lithuania
  5. Ifosfamide induced neurotoxicity in soft tissue tumours
  6. The interaction of personal data, intellectual property and freedom of expression in he context of language research
  7. Using PIRLS and TIMSS data for the assessment of efficiency and effectiveness of primary education in post-socialist and old democracy EU member states
  8. Šiuolaikinės katalikiškojo ugdymo diskurso transformacijos: teminė Bažnyčios dokumentų analizė