1. Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus Mitchill, 1815) reintroduction in Lithuanian waters
  2. Common Buzzard, Buteo buteo, nest site selection pattern in relation to stands and their location factors in Central Lithuania, Central Eastern Europe
  3. Divergences and convergences of perspective: Amerindian perspectivism, phenomenology, and Speculative Realism
  4. Exact expression of ultimate time survival probability in homogeneous discrete-time risk model
  5. Genome editing in plants using the compact editor CasΦ
  6. High synaptic threshold for dendritic NMDA spike generation in human layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons
  7. Jewish architects in constructon of modern Kaunas, Lithuania, 1919–1939. A collectve portrait
  8. Of pharmakon: Hallucination in Amerindian perspectivism and speculative materialism