1. Automatic music signal mixing system based on one-dimensional Wave-U-Net autoencoders
  2. Dalijimosi žiniomis raiška virtualiose interesų bendruomenėse: skaitytojų bendruomenės tyrimas
  3. Detecting Lombard speech using deep learning approach
  4. Evaluation of satisfaction with healthcare services in multimorbid patients using PACIC+ questionnaire: a cross-sectional study
  5. Informing and sustaining participation of lived experience in the suicide prevention workforce
  6. Measurement system for short-pulsed magnetic fields
  7. Research of the luminance of asphalt pavements in trafficked areas
  8. Rhinitis associated with asthma is distinct from rhinitis alone: The ARIA‐MeDALL hypothesis
  9. Socialinio darbuotojo vaidmuo persikeliant į globos įstaigą vyresniame amžiuje
  10. Socialinio verslo įmonės tapatybės kūrimas Lietuvoje