1. Chemical abundances in the dwarf galaxy NGC 4163 based on the nebular and auroral emission lines
  2. Interferometric measurements of nonlinear refractive index in the infrared spectral range
  3. Lithuania
  4. Long seed, short pump: converting Yb-doped laser radiation to multi-µJ few-cycle pulses tunable through 2.5–15 µm
  5. Numerical study of absorption-enhanced parametric amplification
  6. Teranostinių nanodalelių taikymo onkologinių ligų diagnostikoje ir terapijoje tyrimas
  7. The Gaia -ESO Survey: Lithium measurements and new curves of growth
  8. The Gaia -ESO Survey: Probing the lithium abundances in old metal-rich dwarf stars in the solar vicinity