- A quantum circuit to generate random numbers within a specific interval
- Calcination-enhanced laser-induced damage threshold of 3D micro-optics made with laser multi-photon lithography
- Fabrication of glass‐ceramic 3D micro‐optics by combining laser lithography and calcination
- Fizinio aktyvumo poveikis sergantiesiems lėtine obstrukcine plaučių liga
- Metody KGB litewskiej SRR w Polsce: więzy pokrewieństwa I zainteresowania naukowe jako pomoc w gromadzeniu informacji na temat stosunku do „Solidarności”
- SOE corporate governance reform in Lithuania - explained & empirically tested
- Slaugos studentų sąveikos su mentoriais patirtys klinikinėje praktikoje
- Synthesis, wear and corrosion of novel electrospark and electrospark–electrochemical hybrid coatings based on carbon steels
- Testing the effect of relative pollen productivity on the REVEALS model: a validated reconstruction of Europe-wide holocene vegetation
- Towards AI-enabled approach for Urdu text recognition: a legacy for Urdu image apprehension
- Transfer pricing of innovation considering matches between innovation and technology in firms
- X veikliosios medžiagos poveikis celiulito pažeistai odai