1. Challenges facing mental health systems arising from the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from 14 European and North American countries
  2. Clinical pathway of COVID-19 patients in primary health care in 30 European countries: Eurodata study
  3. Endometriozės įtaka gyvenimo kokybei
  4. Gimdos lejomioma ir nėštumas
  5. Metotreksato vartojimas ektopinio nėštumo gydymui
  6. Screening for and disclosure of domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: results of the PRICOV-19 cross-sectional study in 33 countries
  7. The organization of outreach work for vulnerable patients in general practice during COVID-19: results from the cross-sectional PRICOV-19 study in 38 countries
  8. Vegetariška ir veganiška mityba nėštumo metu.