1. Accumulated metagenomic studies reveal recent migration, whole genome evolution, and undiscovered diversity of orthomyxoviruses
  2. Building protein structure-specific rotamer libraries
  3. Dynamic interplay between target search and recognition for a Type I CRISPR-Cas system
  4. Impact of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) on the marine environment: Raising awareness, challenges, legislation, and mitigation approaches under the One Health concept
  5. Mokinių požiūris į kalbinius stereotipus
  6. PLBD: protein-ligand binding database of thermodynamic and kinetic intrinsic parameters
  7. Phylogenetic relationships of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in Poland: The emergence of Beijing genotype among multidrug-resistant cases
  8. Spoligotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis - Comparing in vitro and in silico approaches
  9. The effects of a single bout of high-intense strength exercise on cognitive function and postural dual-task control in older adults
  10. Tuberculosis and sudden death in Lithuania
  11. Valstybės religinis neutralumas Europos žmogaus teisių teismo ir Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinio Teismo doktrinose