1. Characterization of parageobacillus bacteriophage vB_PtoS_NIIg3.2—a representative of a new genus within thermophilic siphoviruses
  2. Effect of pH on electrochemical impedance response of tethered bilayer lipid membranes: implications for quantitative biosensing
  3. Giant intermuscular lipoma of breast: A case report
  4. Ownership structure and prices: A case study of the Swedish tradable green certificate market
  5. Population-based screening for coeliac disease in Lithuanian children from 2009 to 2014
  6. Public knowledge of early stroke symptoms in the Vilnius region
  7. Pykčio poveikis sprendimui nusikalsti
  8. Retrospective study of spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage: vasospasm and other complications (Part III)
  9. The estimation of traditional Phillips curve
  10. Traditional and cosmic gods in later Plato and the Early Academy