- Compound drought and heatwave events in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region
- Compound drought and heatwave events in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region
- Economic competition between Christian burghers and Jews. The modelling of Jewish economic activity through the restrictions on Jewish merchants and craftspeople in the towns of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
- Envisioning ‘Prabuddha Bharat’: a discourse for social transformation
- Europa, jos ribos ir Lietuva
- False spring events in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region
- Human diet in Lithuania during the Late Roman and Migration periods ( ca. 200–700 AD) based on stable carbon and nitrogen isotope data
- Ivabradine for the prevention of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity in female patients with primarily breast cancer: a prospective, randomized, open-label clinical trial
- Kvėpavimo ryšys su fiziniu parengimu, raumenų įtempimu ir vykdymo funkcija
- Lietuvių tautinio tapatumo konstravimas socialiniuose tinkluose: gastronominės kultūros kontekstai
- Nominacje Chrystusa w postylli katolickiej Konstantego Szyrwida "Punkty kazań" (1629, 1644).
- The links of respiration with physical fitness, muscle tension, and executive functioning
- The paradox of the role of communication professionals: identifying the gap between theory and practice and its determining factors
- What health risk factors are brought by the most popular Lithuanian influencers in social networks?