1. A workflow for deriving chemical entities from crystallographic data and its application to the Crystallography Open Database
  2. Discrimination of leucine and isoleucine via fragmentation by electromagnetic field
  3. Enrichment of water bodies with phenolic compounds released from Betula and Pinus oollen in surface water
  4. Lunar constellations (Nakṣatras) and name giving tradition in ancient India
  5. Midostaurin plus daunorubicin or idarubicin for young and older adults with FLT3-mutated AML: a phase 3b trial
  6. Molecular characteristics of Neisseria meningitidis carriage strains in university students in Lithuania
  7. Plants in the artefacts not used for their original purpose. A remarkable case from the Lazdininkai (Kalnalaukis) cemetery in western Lithuania
  8. Teorinis dvigubos ir trigubos jonizacijos elektronais tyrimas taikant kelių žingsnių metodą
  9. The influence of websites quality on users e-loyalty in the online store
  10. Theoretical study of electron-impact double and triple ionization using a multi-step approach