1. Assessment of the impact of the economic factors on stock prices: cross-sectoral approach
  2. Assessment of the impact of the usage of derivatives on the company’s value
  3. Development of a tool for predicting HNF1B mutations in children and young adults with congenital anomalies of the kidneys and urinary tract
  4. Ekonominės veiklos laisvės ir aplinkos apsaugos principo pusiausvyros paieškos Vokietijos konstitucinėje teisėje
  5. Financial sustainability and derivatives: a theoretical approach
  6. Leksikas izmaiņas Georga Manceļa Zīraka gudrības grāmatas 1643. g. un 1671. g. tulkojumā
  7. Overview of the selected EU textiles policy initiatives: self-stand sustainable game changers or ‘palliative’ half-measures
  8. Pajamų sąvoka ir pripažinimas gyventojų apmokestinimo kontekste: teoriniai pagrindai ir praktinės problemos
  9. Public employment services' responses to the pandemic: examples from Portugal, Bulgaria, and Lithuania
  10. Soft law priskyrimo teisės sistemai teorinės prielaidos: aviacijos teisės atvejis
  11. Subjective well-being of NEETs and employability: a study of non‐urban youths in Spain, Italy, and Portugal
  12. Synchronous endometrial and ovarian cancer: A case report
  13. The Ethics of Motherhood in Plutarch's Parallel Lives
  14. The role of personalized preoperative prehabilitation in patients undergoing surgery for gastric cancer
  15. Victoria Smolkin, A Sacred Space is Never Empty. A History of Soviet Atheism, Princeton-Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2018. ISBN 978-0-691-17427-3
  16. Įtampos tarp teisės ir prerefleksyvios laisvės samprata
  17. “The cuisine is not an old, tired marriage. It is a passionate affair of the heart”: translation of gastronomical references in the film “The Hundred-Foot Journey”