1. Assessment of HL7 FHIR interoperability survivorship passport v2.0 platform to generate treatment summaries for childhood cancer survivors in six clinics: preliminary testing results
  2. Composition of proteins associated with red clover (Trifolium pratense) and the microbiota identified in honey
  3. Deep learning-based authentication for insider threat detection in critical infrastructure
  4. Differential diagnosis of contact dermatitis: A practical-approach review by the EADV Task Force on contact dermatitis
  5. On the multiscale dynamics of punctuated evolution
  6. Porosity characterisation of the Silurian succession in Middle Lithuania: A comparative analysis
  7. Red shift in the absorption spectrum of phototropin LOV1 upon the formation of a semiquinone radical: reconstructing the orbital architecture
  8. Skin cancers are the most frequent cancers in fair-skinned populations, but we can prevent them