1. "Komenskio Logo" kalbos duomenų tipų analizė
  2. A multidimensional limit theorem for powers of the Riemann zeta-function
  3. A one-parameter class of separable solutions for an age-sex-structured population model with an infinite range of reproductive ages, a discrete set of offspring, and maternal care
  4. Adaptive estimation: a brief review
  5. Algebraic version of convex combination patches
  6. Apie kubinio daugianario šaknų sąlygos geometrines savybes
  7. Appropriateness of projection pursuit in classification
  8. Baltijos šalių anesteziologai-reanimatologai dalijosi patirtimi. BaltAnestIC2023
  9. Control of Vibrio vulnificus proliferation in the Baltic Sea through eutrophication and algal bloom management
  10. Darbo su bylomis ir katalogais mokymo elementai
  11. Dyslipidemia in children with chronic kidney disease—findings from the Cardiovascular Comorbidity in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease (4C) study
  12. HYPOSO map viewer: a web-based atlas of small-scale hydropower for selected African and Latin American countries
  13. Infekcijų plitimo modelis narkomanų grupių tarpe
  14. Kai kurie teisinių žinių bazių lyginamosios analizės aspektai
  15. Logaritminės eilės ρj ≥ 1 begalinio indekso nehomogeninis kraštinis Rymano uždavinys sudėtiniam Dini-Lipšico kontūrui
  16. Notes on universality in short intervals and exponential shifts
  17. On differential geometry of tangent and cotangent bundles of Riemannian manifold
  18. On the standard Brownian motion. I
  19. Quantitative pollen-based climate reconstructions for Lateglacial and Holocene periods deduced from Dukstelis Paleolake data
  20. Response of diatoms to the Early Holocene climate changes, SW Lithuania
  21. Sheaves on quantaloids
  22. Some inequalities in the arithmetic semigroups
  23. Specialization of loop rules of a sequent calculus of intuitionistic temporal logic with time gaps
  24. The generalized numbers and modified L-functions
  25. Wilno mityczne we współczesnej prozie litewskiej
  26. Šredingerio lygties su stiprinimo procesu skaitinis sprendimas
  27. Связности в расслоениях полуголономных r-реперов