- "Komenskio Logo" kalbos duomenų tipų analizė
- A multidimensional limit theorem for powers of the Riemann zeta-function
- A one-parameter class of separable solutions for an age-sex-structured population model with an infinite range of reproductive ages, a discrete set of offspring, and maternal care
- Adaptive estimation: a brief review
- Algebraic version of convex combination patches
- Apie kubinio daugianario šaknų sąlygos geometrines savybes
- Appropriateness of projection pursuit in classification
- Baltijos šalių anesteziologai-reanimatologai dalijosi patirtimi. BaltAnestIC2023
- Control of Vibrio vulnificus proliferation in the Baltic Sea through eutrophication and algal bloom management
- Darbo su bylomis ir katalogais mokymo elementai
- Dyslipidemia in children with chronic kidney disease—findings from the Cardiovascular Comorbidity in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease (4C) study
- HYPOSO map viewer: a web-based atlas of small-scale hydropower for selected African and Latin American countries
- Infekcijų plitimo modelis narkomanų grupių tarpe
- Kai kurie teisinių žinių bazių lyginamosios analizės aspektai
- Logaritminės eilės ρj ≥ 1 begalinio indekso nehomogeninis kraštinis Rymano uždavinys sudėtiniam Dini-Lipšico kontūrui
- Notes on universality in short intervals and exponential shifts
- On differential geometry of tangent and cotangent bundles of Riemannian manifold
- On the standard Brownian motion. I
- Quantitative pollen-based climate reconstructions for Lateglacial and Holocene periods deduced from Dukstelis Paleolake data
- Response of diatoms to the Early Holocene climate changes, SW Lithuania
- Sheaves on quantaloids
- Some inequalities in the arithmetic semigroups
- Specialization of loop rules of a sequent calculus of intuitionistic temporal logic with time gaps
- The generalized numbers and modified L-functions
- Wilno mityczne we współczesnej prozie litewskiej
- Šredingerio lygties su stiprinimo procesu skaitinis sprendimas
- Связности в расслоениях полуголономных r-реперов