1. Advancing 3D spheroid research through 3D scaffolds made by two-photon polymerization
  2. Association of urinary sodium, potassium, and the sodium-to-potassium ratio with impaired kidney function assessed with 24-H urine analysis
  3. Coexistence of high-frequency parametric and Bloch gain in doped GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices
  4. Features of the observation method in museum audience behaviour research
  5. Laudatio professoribus. Dviejų svarbiausių Lietuvos klasikinės filologijos tyrėjų sukaktis pasitinkant
  6. Microarray-based evaluation of selected recombinant timothy grass allergens expressed in E. Coli and N. Benthamiana
  7. Naujos tyrimų atodangos Kristijono Donelaičio lauke ir prakalbinta Antika
  8. Psychological safety competency training during the clinical internship from the perspective of health care trainee mentors in 11 pan-European countries: mixed methods observational study
  9. Tapsmas mokytoju kaip profesinio identiteto formavimosi patirtis: „Atrodo, kad pasirašiau sutartį gyvenimo...“
  10. The dark side of text-matching software: worries and counterproductive behaviour among European upper secondary school and bachelor students