1. Asteroids discovered in the Baldone Observatory between 2017 and 2022: The orbits of asteroid 428694 Saule and 330836 Orius
  2. Bethe vectors and recurrence relations for twisted Yangian based models
  3. Disleksija Vilniaus universiteto studentų imtyje
  4. Exploring purchase intention in metaverse retailing: Insights from an automotive platform
  5. First year of experience with the new operational monitoring tool for data taking in CMS during Run 3
  6. Hannos Arendt politiškumo samprata
  7. In situ antimicrobial properties of sabinene hydrate, a secondary plant metabolite
  8. MiniDAQ-3: providing concurrent independent subdetector data-taking on CMS production DAQ resources
  9. Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) in a Lithuanian Paediatric Tertiary Care Center
  10. The CMS Orbit Builder for the HL-LHC at CERN
  11. Towards a container-based architecture for CMS data acquisition
  12. Ugdymas, ateities žmogus, dirbtinis intelektas: keletas apmąstymų
  13. Widespread horse-based mobility arose around 2200 bce in Eurasia