1. Alteration of the gut–lung axis after severe COVID-19 infection and modulation through probiotics: a randomized, controlled pilot study
  2. Atmospheric black carbon aerosol concentration dynamics in an urban environment
  3. DINO pre-training for vision-based end-to-end autonomous driving
  4. Effects of GBA1 variants and prenatal exposition on the glucosylsphingosine (Lyso-Gb1) levels in Gaucher disease carriers
  5. Evaluating the effectiveness of public finance used for social protection of internally displaced persons
  6. Overview of the education system for dental technicians in Taiwan
  7. Probiotic therapy of gastrointestinal symptoms during COVID-19 infection: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, remote study
  8. Social integration of internally displaced persons in Ukraine: perceptions from IDPs vs. the host population
  9. Structure-based clustering and mutagenesis of bacterial tannases reveals the importance and diversity of active site-capping domains
  10. Study and personal resources of university students’ academic resilience and the relationship with positive psychological outcomes
  11. Ukrainian students on the global map of academic migration
  12. Unequilibrated charge carrier mobility in organic semiconductors measured using injection metal-insulator-semiconductor charge extraction by linearly increasing voltage