- Alteration of the gut–lung axis after severe COVID-19 infection and modulation through probiotics: a randomized, controlled pilot study
- Atmospheric black carbon aerosol concentration dynamics in an urban environment
- DINO pre-training for vision-based end-to-end autonomous driving
- Effects of GBA1 variants and prenatal exposition on the glucosylsphingosine (Lyso-Gb1) levels in Gaucher disease carriers
- Evaluating the effectiveness of public finance used for social protection of internally displaced persons
- Overview of the education system for dental technicians in Taiwan
- Probiotic therapy of gastrointestinal symptoms during COVID-19 infection: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, remote study
- Social integration of internally displaced persons in Ukraine: perceptions from IDPs vs. the host population
- Structure-based clustering and mutagenesis of bacterial tannases reveals the importance and diversity of active site-capping domains
- Study and personal resources of university students’ academic resilience and the relationship with positive psychological outcomes
- Ukrainian students on the global map of academic migration
- Unequilibrated charge carrier mobility in organic semiconductors measured using injection metal-insulator-semiconductor charge extraction by linearly increasing voltage