Title Vakarų Lietuvos apatinio silūro molingų uolienų petrografinė sudėtis ir petrofizinės savybės – dujų skalūnų perspektyvų geologinis vertinimas /
Translation of Title Petrography and petrophysical properties of the Lower Silurian shales of West Lithuania – geological assessment of gas shale prospects.
Authors Lozovskis, Saulius
DOI 10.15388/vu.thesis.218
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Pages 108
Keywords [eng] Petrography ; petrophysical properties ; mechanical properties
Abstract [eng] Until now, the cross section of Lithuanian Lower Paleozoic clay rocks in western Lithuania have been studied only as potential source rocks by analyzing their lithofacial properties, organic matter composition, oil generation potential, secondary hydrocarbon migration issues, etc. In terms of hydrocarbon potential in Lithuania, studies started only a little over 10 years ago. Research on Silurian clay rocks in this respect requires new, specific methodologies. The research results presented in this work respond to these new assessment needs, which are important not only for deciding on the prospects of the Baltic region, but also for the broader characterization of clay shale as a possible new hydrocarbon exploitation formations. In this work, for the first time, a complex study of the mineral composition and petrophysical (and mechanical) properties of Lithuanian Lower Silurian argilites was performed, assessing this cross section not only as a hydrocarbon source and insulating cover, but as an operational complex of unconventional hydrocarbons from which natural gas can be extracted using non-traditional methods which natural gas can be extracted using non - traditional methods.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021