Title E-cigarettes as a growing threat for children and adolescents: position statement from the European Academy of Paediatrics /
Authors Bush, Andrew ; Lintowska, Agnieszka ; Mazur, Artur ; Hadjipanayis, Adamos A ; Grossman, Zachi ; del Torso, Stefano ; Michaud, Pierre ; Doan, Svitlana ; Romankevych, Ivanna ; Slaats, Monique ; Utkus, Algirdas ; Dembiński, Łukasz ; Slobodanac, Marija ; Valiulis, Arūnas
DOI 10.3389/fped.2021.698613
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Is Part of Frontiers in pediatrics.. Lausanne : Frontiers media SA. 2021, vol. 9, art. no. 698613, p. [1-7].. ISSN 2296-2360
Keywords [eng] e-cigarettes ; electronic nicotine delivery devices ; heated tobacco products ; children ; adolescents ; statement ; European academy of paediatrics
Abstract [eng] As the tobacco epidemic has waned, it has been followed by the advent of electronic nicotine delivery devices (ENDS) primarily manufactured by the tobacco industry to try to recruit replacements for deceased tobacco addicts. This document sets out the ten recommendations of the European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP) with regard to e-cigarettes and children and young people (CYP). The EAP notes that nicotine is itself a drug of addiction, with toxicity to the foetus, child and adult, and were ENDS only to contain nicotine, their use to create a new generation of addicts would be rigorously opposed. However, e-cigarettes include numerous unregulated chemicals, including known carcinogens, whose acute and long term toxicities are unknown. The EAP asserts that there is incontrovertible evidence that the acute toxicity of e-cigarettes is greater than that of “traditional” tobacco smoking, and a variety of acute pulmonary toxicities, including acute lung injuries, have been recorded due to e-cigarettes usage. The chronic toxicity of e-cigarettes is unknown, but given the greater acute toxicity compared to tobacco, the EAP cannot assume that e-cigarettes are safer in the long term. The high uptake of e-cigarettes by CYP, including under-age children, is partly fuelled by deceitful marketing and internet exposure, which is also unregulated. Although proposed as aids to smoking cessation, there is no evidence that e-cigarettes add anything to standard smoking cessation strategies. In summary, the EAP regards these devices and liquids as very dangerous, and ineluctably opposed to their use, and their direct or indirect marketing.
Published Lausanne : Frontiers media SA
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2021
CC license CC license description