Title PSA tyrimu paremtos ankstyvos priešinės liaukos vėžio diagnostikos programos Lietuvoje tyrimas: vykdymo eiga ir efektyvumas /
Translation of Title PSA test-based prostate cancer screening program in Lithuania: performance and effectiveness.
Authors Patašius, Aušvydas
DOI 10.15388/vu.thesis.225
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Pages 92
Keywords [eng] prostate cancer ; prostate ; screening, effectiveness
Abstract [eng] The dissertation aims to evaluate the performance, efficiency and impact of the prostate cancer early diagnosis program on the changes in the epidemiological situation of prostate cancer in Lithuania. A retrospective observational study was performed. The dissertation describes the performance of the program and its indicators, changes in the prostate cancer incidence and mortality, changes in the pathological characteristics of prostate cancer, assessed the mortality risk from all-cause and prostate cancer. The prostate cancer early diagnosis program in Lithuania was characterized by a small number of men screened, a large number of oportunistic tests, and a low cancer detection rate. The PSA-based program had an impact on changes in the incidence of prostate cancer, with an increase in the incidence reflecting the prevalence of PSA use. The sudden increase in incidence in the first year of screening is associated with a detection of prevalent cancer. The impact of the screening program on mortality rates has not been observed. An increase in the incidence of localized prostate cancer and a decrease in the incidence of advanced prostate cancer were found. The alll-cause mortality risk of men with prostate cancer was higher than that of the general Lithuanian male population, decreased at the time of screening, and did not differ from the general Lithuanian male population in the group of men participating in the program.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021