Title Smurtinio pobūdžio žinučių identifikavimas vykdant interneto portalų anoniminių nuomonių sentimentų analizę /
Translation of Title Identifying violent messages using sentiment analysis of anonymous internet portal comments.
Authors Blagnys, Matas
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Pages 48
Abstract [eng] This master’s thesis proposes and analyses a collection of methods and prototypes (based on the aforementioned methods) that are capable of detecting violent Lithuanian language comments in internet news websites. Support-vector machines, naive Bayes and FastText machine learning algorithms are used for text classification. These algorithms are provided with texts that are processed using stemming algorithms and complemented with non-text parameters from comments as well as sentiment markers. The sentiment markers are calculated by machine learning algorithms trained on internet-based reviews for goods and services. When compared to publicly available benchmark classifiers, the proposed violent content detection system prototypes have managed to achieve better results in all relevant statistical metrics. Keywords: sentiment analysis, text classification, internet news websites, internet comments.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021