Title Žmogaus patogeninių grybelių ir bakterijų identifikavimas FT-IR ATR spektriniu metodu /
Translation of Title Identification of human pathogenic fungi and bacteria by means of ft-ir atr spectroscopy.
Authors Mickūnaitė, Gerda
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Pages 65
Abstract [eng] It was determined that the FT-IR ATR spectroscopic method is suitable for the identification of different types of pathogenic microorganisms. Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) of the ATR IR absorption spectra of 150 samples showed that the ATR IR absorption spectra of bacteria can be identified with 89,9 % accuracy and the ATR IR absorption spectra of yeast with 100 % accuracy. The principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the ATR IR absorption spectra of bacteria can be identified with 91,2 % accuracy and the ATR IR absorption spectra of yeast with 100 % accuracy. Using the FT-IR ATR spectroscopic method the ATR IR absorption spectra of bacteria can be separated into gram – negative and gram – positive bacterial classes. Using HCA, it was found that the ATR IR absorption spectra of gram - positive bacteria can be identified with 88,1% accuracy, and the ATR IR absorption spectra of gram – negative bacteria with 93,3% accuracy. After PCA was applied it showed that the ATR IR absorption spectra of gram – positive bacteria can be identified with 73,6 % accuracy, and the ATR IR absorption spectra of gram – negative bacteria with 100 % accuracy. Different species of bacteria can be identified using the FT-IR ATR spectroscopic method. It was found that by applying HCA and PCA, the ATR IR absorption spectra of different species of gram - positive bacteria can be identified with 42,6 % – 100 % accuracy. The ATR IR absorption spectra of different species of gram - negative bacteria can only be identified by applying PCA. The accuracy of this method reaches 100 %. HCA of the ATR IR absorption spectra of different species of yeast showed that the ATR IR absorption spectra of C. lusitaniae yeast can be identified with 100 % accuracy, ATR IR absorption spectra of S. cerevisiae yeast with 66,7 % accuracy, ATR IR absorption spectra of C. guilliermondii yeast with 90 % accuracy. Based on the diagram of PCA the ATR IR absorption spectra of C. lusitaniae yeast can be identified with 90,1 % accuracy, the ATR IR absorption spectra of S. cerevisiae yeast with 83,3 % accuracy, and the ATR IR absorption spectra of C. guilliermondii yeast with 90 % accuracy. HCA of the ATR IR absorption spectra of undamaged, damaged by UV light and thermal shock C. lusitaniae yeast showed that the ATR IR absorption spectra of undamaged, damaged by UV light and thermal shock C. lusitaniae yeast can be separated into different clusters with 100% accuracy. PCA of the ATR IR absorption spectra of undamaged, damaged by UV light and thermal shock C. lusitaniae yeast showed that the ATR IR absorption spectra of undamaged and damaged by thermal shock C. lusitaniae yeast can be identified with 100% accuracy and the ATR IR absorption spectra of damaged by UV light C. lusitaniae yeast can be identified with 72,7 % accuracy. HCA and PCA of the ATR IR absorption spectra of undamaged, damaged by UV light and thermal shock C. guilliermondii yeast showed that only the ATR IR absorption spectra of damaged by thermal shock C. guilliermondii yeast can be identified with 100 % accuracy. Using FT-IR ATR spectroscopic method, different subtypes of S. cerevisiae yeasts can be identified. HCA showed that the ATR IR absorption spectra of S. cerevisiae weak and S. cerevisiae strong yeast can be identified with 80% accuracy, and the ATR IR absorption spectra of S. cerevisiae PSI- yeast can be identified with 60% accuracy. ATR IR absorption spectra of different subspecies of S. cerevisiae yeast can not be identified using PCA.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021