Title Selektyvus metalinių mikro struktūrų cheminis nusodinimas ant skaidraus dielektriko paviršiaus, panaudojant pikosekundinius ir femtosekundinius lazerio impulsus /
Translation of Title Selective chemical deposition of metallic microstructures on a transparent dielectric surface using picosecond and femtosecond laser pulses.
Authors Sadauskas, Modestas
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Pages 43
Abstract [eng] The aim of this work was to investigate dependency of a copper plated micro-traces width on different laser parameters and to fabricate traces narrower than 5 micrometers in a width on soda lime glass and PET (polyethylene terephthalate) polymer surface using PHAROS femtosecond laser. Dielectric surface was modified by different laser parameters: pulse duration (340 fs or 1 ps), pulse energy (124 nJ – 21,47 mikroJ), scanning speed (0,1 – 300 mm/s), light polarization (linear – perpendicular/parallel to scanning direction or circular), light intensity distribution (Gauss or Bessel beam). Samples were rinsed in ultrasonic cleaning bath after surface modification by laser, following was activated in chemical catalytic solution and finally plated in electroless copper bath (SSAIL technology). Copper plated micro-traces width was measured with optical microscope. It was demonstrated that copper plated micro-traces appear wider with increased laser fluence and laser pulse overlapping. A thermal accumulation phenomena has been observed, when higher pulse repetition rate was used. Narrower than 1 mikrometers in width traces were formed on soda lime glass and PET plastic by using Bessel beam. The potentiality of the technology was demonstrated by creating a touch-sensitive button.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021