Title Skulptūrinių dangų optinio atsparumo priklausomybės nuo porėtumo tyrimas /
Translation of Title Investigation of the dependence of the optical resistance of sculptural coatings on porosity.
Authors Norkutė, Ugnė
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Pages 38
Abstract [eng] In this work, sculptural single-layer coatings of aluminum and niobium oxide were formed using electron beam evaporation technology and the glancing angle method (GLAD). Optical analysis of the coatings was performed with a spectrophotometer, an interferometer, and an optical microscope. A scanning electron microscope was used for structural analysis, and a stand with a pulsed Nd:YAG laser for damage measurements. Obtain spectral data for alumina and niobium oxide monolayer coatings showing that porous coatings are better suited for light but less reflective due to the structure of the porous coating and the changing more effective lip index. Such structures are also characterized by the tensile stresses obtained for aluminum and niobium oxide coatings. During the study, it was observed that the laser damage thresholds were higher for porous coatings, with only a few angles differing: alumina vaporized coatings at 70° (due to possible defects in the coating) and niobium oxide vaporized coatings at 50° and 60° (due to small losses at 532 nm (50°), the damage threshold was higher with higher losses (60°) at the same wavelength: lower). Due to the losses, craters with dots were observed in the niobium coatings, and the dots predominated in the aluminum coatings due to coating defects.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021