Title Nepusiausvirųjų krūvininkų dinamika ceriu aktyvuotuose granato tipo scintiliaciniuose kristaluose /
Translation of Title Nonequilibrium carrier dynamics in cerium activated garnet-type scintillation crystals.
Authors Jurgutis, Tomas
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Pages 32
Abstract [eng] Scintillating materials have been applied in wide variety of field such as high energy physics experiments, medical research and homeland security. Currently the main driving force in scintillator research is the need to improve scintillator timing characteristics. Gadolinium aluminium gallium granite dope with cerium (GAGG:Ce) is a promising scintillator material for various applications. While GAGG:Ce has many excellent qualities such as high density, enormous light yield, good energy resolution and others, one of the main limiting factors is the mediocre scintilation decay time. Recently it’s been shown that codoping GAGG:Ce with Mg2+ ions reduces the scintillation decay time and scintillation yield. In this work the influence of Mg2+ codoping on scintillation parameters of GAGG:Ce was investigated. Time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC), photoluminescence and differential absorption measurements were performed. It was evident that codoping by Mg2+ creates non-radiative recombination centers which affect luminescence decay time and scintillation yield at higher temperatures. It was show that a small amount of Mg2+ has no effect on luminescence properties at room temperature.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021