Title Atmospheric transmission spectroscopy of hot Jupiter KELT-10b using synthetic telluric correction software /
Authors McCloat, Sean ; Von Essen, Carolina ; Fieber-Beyer, Sherry
DOI 10.3847/1538-3881/ac132b
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Is Part of The astronomical journal.. Bristol : IOP Publishing. 2021, vol. 162, iss. 4, art. no. 132, p. [1-12].. ISSN 0004-6256. eISSN 1538-3881
Keywords [eng] Exoplanet atmospheres ; high resolution spectroscopy ; transmission spectroscopy
Abstract [eng] High-resolution spectroscopic visible data were obtained with the Ultraviolet and Visible Echelle Spectrograph on the Very Large Telescope. Our goal was to analyze the data in an effort to detect the presence of sodium in the atmosphere of hot Jupiter exoplanet KELT-10b, as well as characterize the orbit of the planet via the Rossiter- McLaughlin effect. Eighty spectra were collected during a single transit of KELT-10b. After standard spectroscopic calibration using ESO-Reflex, the synthetic telluric modeling software molecfit was applied to remove terrestrial atmospheric effects, and to refine the wavelength calibration. Sodium is recognized by its characteristic absorption doublet located at 5895.924 and 5889.951 Å, which can be seen in the planet atmosphere transmission spectrum and through excess absorption during the transit. The radial velocity of the host star was analyzed by measuring the average shift of absorption features from spectrum to spectrum. Our results indicate a sodium detection in the planet transmission spectrum with a line contrast of 0.66% and 0.43% ± 0.09% for the sodium DII and DI lines, respectively. Excess absorption measurements agree to within one half combined standard deviation between the planet transmission spectrum (0.143% ± 0.020%, a 7σ detection) and during the time series (0.124% ± 0.034%, a 3.6σ detection) in a band 1.25 Å wide. The wavelength grid corrections provided by molecfit were insufficient to determine radial velocities and measure the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect.
Published Bristol : IOP Publishing
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2021
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