Title Homing peptide-based targeting of tenascin-C and fibronectin in endometriosis /
Authors Simón-Gracia, Lorena ; Kiisholts, Kristina ; Petrikaitė, Vilma ; Tobi, Allan ; Saare, Merli ; Lingasamy, Prakash ; Peters, Maire ; Salumets, Andres ; Teesalu, Tambet
DOI 10.3390/nano11123257
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Is Part of Nanomaterials.. Basel : MDPI AG. 2021, vol. 11, iss. 12, art. no. 3257, p. 1-16.. eISSN 2079-4991
Keywords [eng] endometriosis ; homing peptide ; silver nanoparticles ; nanomedicine ; extracellular matrix
Abstract [eng] The current diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for endometriosis are limited. Although endometriosis is a benign condition, some of its traits, such as increased cell invasion, migration, tissue inflammation, and angiogenesis are similar to cancer. Here we explored the application of homing peptides for precision delivery of diagnostic and therapeutic compounds to endometriotic lesions. First, we audited a panel of peptide phages for the binding to the cultured immortalized endometriotic epithelial 12Z and eutopic stromal HESC cell lines. The bacteriophages displaying PL1 peptide that engages with angiogenic extracellular matrix overexpressed in solid tumors showed the strongest binding to both cell lines. The receptors of PL1 peptide, tenascin C domain C (TNC-C) and fibronectin Extra Domain-B (Fn-EDB), were expressed in both cells. Silver nanoparticles functionalized with synthetic PL1 peptide showed specific internalization in 12Z and HESC cells. Treatment with PL1-nanoparticles loaded with the potent antimitotic drug monomethyl auristatin E decreased the viability of endometriotic cells in 2D and 3D cultures. Finally, PL1-nanoparticless bound to the cryosections of clinical peritoneal endometriotic lesions in the areas positive for TNC-C and Fn-EDB immunoreactivities and not to sections of normal endometrium. Our findings suggest potential applications for PL1-guided nanoparticles in precision diagnosis and therapy of endometriosis.
Published Basel : MDPI AG
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2021
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