Title Benefits of quality management standards in organizations /
Authors Zgirskas, Arūnas ; Ruževičius, Juozas ; Ruželė, Darius
DOI 10.3390/standards1020013
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Is Part of Standards: Special issue: Feature papers to celebrate the inaugural issue of standards.. Basel : MDPI. 2021, vol. 1, iss. 2, p. 154-166.. ISSN 2305-6703
Keywords [eng] standards ; quality management ; implementation motives ; benefits of standards implementation
Abstract [eng] The main motives for implementing standards are external and internal. External motives are related with aims to enter new markets, export new goods, meet customer requirements, achieve better corporate image, gain market share, or increase customer satisfaction. Internal motives occur when the organization itself wants to improve the internal system and when processes and benefits depend on the internal motives of the organization. In order to disclose the benefits of quality standards, an empirical study was conducted with quality representatives from organi-zations in different fields of business activity in Lithuania. The research aimed to investigate what quality management systems prevail in organizations and to reveal the motives and benefits of implementation. The empirical study found that after the implementation of quality management standards (QMS), the quality level improved; the number of incidents and defects (complaints) decreased; employee involvement and perception of quality increased; company profits in-creased; customer satisfaction increased; and company management was improved.
Published Basel : MDPI
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2021
CC license CC license description