Title Ūkio subjektų pagrindinių procedūrinių teisių apsauga taikant poveikio priemones ir šių teisių įstatyminio sisteminimo rezultatai /
Translation of Title The protection of the fundamental procedural rights of business entitiesby applying sanctions and the results of the legal systematization of these rights.
Authors Pogužinskė, Eimantė
DOI 10.15388/Teise.2021.121.7
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Is Part of Teisė.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2021, t. 121, p. 115-134.. ISSN 1392-1274. eISSN 2424-6050
Keywords [eng] business entity ; sanctions ; supervision ; procedural rights ; principle of good administration ; right of defence
Abstract [eng] The present article analyses the extent of influence the adopted Article of the Law on Public Administration of the Republic of Lithuania (Art. 368, currently Art. 37), which systematises the basic procedural rights of business entities, has on the protection of business entities’ procedural rights, which are assured by the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania in its case law. The precise provisions invoked as basis for procedural rights protection in the case law of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania regarding sanctions imposed on business entities are showcased. Furthermore, the results and plausible reasons for the application or non-application of procedural rights systematized in the Law on Public Administration are appraised.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021
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