Title The interplay of legal regimes of personal data, intellectual property and freedom of expression in language research /
Authors Kelli, Aleksei ; Lindén, Krister ; Kamocki, Paweł ; Vider, Kadri ; Labropoulou, Penny ; Birštonas, Ramūnas ; Mantrov, Vadim ; Hannesschläger, Vanessa ; Del Gratta, Riccardo ; Värv, Age ; Tavits, Gaabriel ; Vutt, Andres
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Is Part of Proceedings CLARIN annual conference 2021/ eds. M. Monachini and M. Eskevich, 27 – 29 September 2021, virtual edition. 2021, p. 154-159
Keywords [eng] personal data ; legal perspective ; intellectual property
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2021
CC license CC license description