Title European network to advance best practices and technology on medication adherence: mission statement /
Authors van Boven, Job FM ; Tsiligianni, Ioanna ; Potočnjak, Ines ; Mihajlović, Jovan ; Dima, Alexandra L ; Nabergoj Makovec, Urska ; Ágh, Tamás ; Kardas, Prezmyslaw ; Ghiciuc, Cristina Mihaela ; Petrova, Guenka ; Bitterman, Noemi ; Kamberi, Fatjona ; Culig, Josip ; Wettermark, Bjorn Gunnar Erik Evert
DOI 10.3389/fphar.2021.748702
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Is Part of Frontiers in pharmacology.. Lausanne : Frontiers Media SA. 2021, vol. 12, art. no. 748702, p. [1-6].. eISSN 1663-9812
Keywords [eng] COST Action 19132 ; drug therapy ; eHealth ; medical technologies ; medication adherence ; medication management ; persistence
Abstract [eng] Medication non-adherence is associated with almost 200,000 deaths annually and €80–125 billion in the European Union. Novel technological advances (smart pill bottles, digital inhalers and spacers, electronic pill blisters, e-injection pens, e-Health applications, big data) could help managing non-adherence. Healthcare professionals seem however inadequately informed about non-adherence, availability of technological solutions in daily practice is limited, and collaborative efforts to push forward their implementation are scarce. The European Network to Advance Best practices and technoLogy on medication adherencE (ENABLE, COST Action 19132) aims to 1) raise awareness of adherence enhancing solutions, 2) foster knowledge on medication adherence, 3) accelerate clinical application of novel technologies and 4) work collaboratively towards economically viable policy, and implementation of adherence enhancing technology across healthcare systems.
Published Lausanne : Frontiers Media SA
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2021
CC license CC license description