Title Optical lattice with spin-dependent sub-wavelength barriers /
Authors Gvozdiovas, Edvinas ; Račkauskas, Povilas ; Juzeliūnas, Gediminas
DOI 10.21468/SciPostPhys.11.6.100
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Is Part of SciPost physics.. Amsterdam : SciPost Foundation. 2021, vol. 11, iss. 6, art. no. 100, p. [1-22].. ISSN 2542-4653
Keywords [eng] Ultracold atoms ; Optical lattices ; Atom-light interaction
Abstract [eng] We analyze a tripod atom light coupling scheme characterized by two dark states playing the role of quasi-spin states. It is demonstrated that by properly configuring the coupling laser fields, one can create a lattice with spin-dependent sub-wavelength barriers. This allows to flexibly alter the atomic motion ranging from atomic dynamics in the effective brick-wall type lattice to free motion of atoms in one dark state and a tight binding lattice with a twice smaller periodicity for atoms in the other dark state. Between the two regimes, the spectrum undergoes significant changes controlled by the laser fields. The tripod lattice can be produced using current experimental techniques. The use of the tripod scheme to create a lattice of degenerate dark states opens new possibilities for spin ordering and symmetry breaking.
Published Amsterdam : SciPost Foundation
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2021
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