Title Transport characteristics of charge carriers in normal state superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-d /
Authors Palenskis, Vilius
DOI 10.4236/wjcmp.2015.53014
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Is Part of World journal of condensed matter physics.. Irvine : Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. 2015, vol. 5, no. 3, p. 118-128.. ISSN 2160-6919
Keywords [eng] random moving charge carrier density ; electrical conductivity ; two-band model ; Hall coefficient ; Hall mobility ; drift mobility ; density of states
Abstract [eng] The general expressions based on the Fermi distribution of the free charge carriers are applied for estimation of the transport characteristics in superconductors at the temperature well above the superconducting phase transi-tion temperature TC. The Hall-effect experimental results in the normal state of the superconductor YBa2Cu3O7- are not finally explained. On the ground of the randomly moving charge carriers there are presented the transport characteristics of the randomly moving charge carriers for both single type and two types of the charge carriers. The particular attention has been pointed to the Hall-effect measurement results of the high-TC super-conductor YBa2Cu3O7-. It is at the first time derived the Hall coefficient expression for two type of highly degen-erate charge carriers (electrons and holes) on the ground of the randomly moving charge carriers at the Fermi surface. It is shown that the Hall coefficient and other transport characteristics are determined by the ratio be-tween the electron-like and hole-like densities of states at the Fermi surface.
Published Irvine : Scientific Research Publishing, Inc
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2015