Title "Emocionalios ir racionalios reklamos žinutės įtaka pasiūlymo vertės suvokimui ir ketinimui pirkti, vertinant vartotojų impulsyvumą ir skeptiškumą" /
Translation of Title "The influence of rational and emotional advertising message on the perception of the value of the offer and intention to buy, assessing the impulsiveness and skepticism of consumers".
Authors Moščuk, Viktorija
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Pages 151
Abstract [eng] The main objective of this paper is to determine the impact of different types of advertising messages (rational and emotional) on consumers' perception of the value of an offer and consumers‘ intention to purchase, taking into account consumers' impulsivity and scepticism. The master thesis consists of three parts, which are divided into different levels of research: data analysis, methodological part and analysis of empirical results. The first part of the paper provides a literature review based on publications and research, covering the concept of advertising, concept of emotional and rational message appeals, the concept of hedonic and utilitarian products and values, the concept of perceived value of an offer and intention to buy, also the concept of impulsivity and skepticism. The second part of the study describes the research based on the literature analysis carried out in the first part. Prior to the study, a factor analysis of the constructs was carried out and the reliability coefficients of the constructs were established. The demographic characteristics of the respondents to the different questionnaires were also analysed to see whether they differed drastically and could be compared. Research model design was based on the SOR theoretical model. The third part of this work analyses the empirical study based on the results of the survey. A total of 452 respondents answered the survey questionnaires, but after removing unreliable, suspicious, etc. survey questionnaires, 416 questionnaires remained. The quantitative data for the survey was collected using QuestionPro, an anonymous online survey software. In the research, factorial experimental design 2x2 was used. Four questionnaires and four scenarios were developed. Each scenario consists of one of two product categories (mobile phone as a utilitarian product or chocolate as a hedonic product) and one of two ways of delivering the message (rational or emotional). The study found that the emotionality or rationality of a message does not itself affect certain aspects of advertising effectiveness, but the perceived utilitarian or hedonic value of the message does. The study suggests that it is important to take into account the type of product (utilitarian or hedonic) when planning an advertising strategy, and to choose to use an emotional or rational message based on this type of product. The results showed that the positive impact of the variables varied according to the nature of the product and the message and their interaction. Based on the study results, it can be stated that if the product is hedonic, it could be worth choosing an emotional advertising message, and if utilitarian - a rational one. Impulsivity and scepticism can influence purchase intention, impulsivity more than scepticism influencing intention to buy. The author believes that this work can be used by marketers, advertisers and academic society. The results obtained may be useful for further research and business.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022