Title "Liberalumo ir religingumo įtaka kontroversiškos kontekstinės reklamos vertinimui ir ketinimui pirkti" /
Translation of Title "The impact of liberality and religiosity on the controversial contextual advertisement evaluation and intention to purchase".
Authors Trapnauskaitė, Agnė
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Pages 107
Abstract [eng] Various consumer cultural and religious differences, that formated in the last decade, encouraged great number of sociological researches, in which is very important to evaluate consumers behaviour and various causalities that affect intention to purchase. Because modern research require comprehensive analysis evaluating consumers attitude and connection to the causes that determine their behaviour – subject for this academical research was chosen so it would be relevant for the modern times. Goal of this research is to evaluate the impact of religiosity and liberality on the controversial contextual advertisment and intention to purchase. Main purpose of this research is, by manipulatic with various contraversial contextual advertisement, to find if consumers religiosity and liberality have any influence on etical evaluation of advertisement and how it is affected by contraversial context, which could influence the intention to purchase later on. Master‘s thesis is composed of three parts that divide different levels of analysis – theoretical data analysis part, methodological part and empirical research results analysis part. On the first part of the thesis, there is a review of already conducted scientific researches and their findings. Connection between liberal views and conservative consumers is reviewed in different sections, since these two opposites have greatest impact on determining the level of consumers liberality based on these qualities by determening consumers view on different social groups from whole ideological spectrum. According to literature, religiosity is based on personal religion cultural ideals and identity form, based on that, consumers with stronger religiosity have stronger moral beliefs 8 that relate to their religious community beliefs. Later, consumer habits on the internet, contextual advertisement model principals, purchase process and intention to buy are reviewed. On the second part of the thesis, research methodology is reviewed, based on literature reviewed in the first part. For the preparation of research, factorial analysis of the constructs is done to find reliability coefficient of each construct and analysis is done to find if there is no multicollinearity problem between the statements. Demographic indicators of respondents are analysed to determine if they are comparable, and it is valid to bundle them in the same data analysis. On the third part of the thesis based on the results of survey, empirical research analysis was conducted. Total number of respondents is 258. Different contextual advertisement scenarios in different situations was compilated. Three scenarios were chosen, out of which two was controversial – one in unliberal context and one in antireligious context, the third scenario was in neutral context. All three scenarios have contextual advertisement offerings, that are displayed in the advertisement banner. Research data was collected by three different surveys. Based on the conclusion of the reserach, further recommendations can be offered for the marketing departments of the business in order to improve the effectiveness of contextual advertisement placement and provide insight for the further scientific researches.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022