Title Perceived stress and hair cortisol levels amongst conscripts during basic military training: a repeated measures study /
Authors Larsson, Ulf Gerry ; Smaliukienė, Rasa ; Mažeikienė, Asta ; Vaičaitienė, Ramutė ; Bekešienė, Svajonė ; Mazgelytė, Eglė ; Karčiauskaitė, Dovilė
DOI 10.1080/08995605.2021.2018902
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Is Part of Military psychology.. Abingdon : Routledge Journals. 2022, vol. 34, iss. 5, p. 541-550.. ISSN 0899-5605. eISSN 1532-7876
Keywords [eng] basic military training ; conscripts ; hair cortisol ; perceived stress ; repeated-measures design
Abstract [eng] The aim was to examine hair cortisol levels and self-reported stress amongst conscripts during their basic military training, and how they are related to four types of theory-derived determinants. The following prediction was made: lower levels of perceived stress and hair cortisol will be associated with: (1) higher levels of emotional stability (the individual nonmilitary aspect); (2) a lower degree of private life problems (the contextual nonmilitary aspect); (3) more positive attitudes toward the military, higher engagement in military service, and higher adaptability to military conditions (the individual-military aspect); and (4) stronger group cohesion and better leadership (the contextual-military aspect). The sample consisted of a total of 107 male Lithuanian conscripts. Assessments were made at the beginning of their basic military training, in the middle, and at the end. Established instruments were used on all self-reported scales. Hair cortisol levels were established through analyses of hair samples. Low to moderate levels of stress were found throughout the basic training period regarding perceived stress levels. Hair cortisol levels were mainly unrelated to the self-rating scales. Regarding perceived stress, the prediction was fully confirmed. The future value of the theoretical model is discussed.
Published Abingdon : Routledge Journals
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2022
CC license CC license description