Title Filmavimo kamera kaip gyvenimo sąmonė /
Translation of Title The filmmaking camera as life-consciousness.
Authors Gudauskas, Andrius
DOI 10.24101/logos.2022.07
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Is Part of Logos.. Vilnius : Logos. 2022, vol. 110, p. 67-75.. ISSN 0868-7692
Abstract [eng] The filmmaking, or the movie camera, is an important part of contemporary human expression. By capturing the events of life on film and permeating them, it unveils layers of human existential experience. Clearly the cinema camera, now a universal eye for observing life, easily transverses stylistic differences in film, whether of genre, artistic movement, or time period. The cinematic camera has the function of a pen (the caméra-stylo), a vision of fluidity and mobility. Experiments by filmmakers on what the eye of the cinema lens sees or should see have shaped the idea that the camera’s gaze is an alter vision – in effect, a subordinate cinematic consciousness.
Published Vilnius : Logos
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022
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