Title Pasirengimas pensijai: psichologiniai veiksniai ikipensiniame amžiuje ir sąsajos su psichologine gerove pensijoje /
Translation of Title Preparing for retirement: Psychological factors in the pre-retirement age and links with the psychological well-being during retirement.
Authors Sadauskaitė, Raimonda
DOI 10.15388/vu.thesis.334
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Pages 180
Keywords [eng] preparing for retirement, career-based preparation for retirement ; financial preparation for retirement ; psychological well-being
Abstract [eng] Retirement is associated with the opportunity to focus more on leisure. However, not all retirees have a high level of well-being – many people have financial difficulties, feel lonely, and rarely engage in social activities during retirement. Therefore, it is important to understand what helps people prepare for retirement and how those who prepare more live during retirement. The aim of the dissertation was to evaluate psychological factors of the career-based and financial preparation for retirement of people of pre-retirement age and to analyse links between preparing for retirement and psychological well-being of retirees. The research on persons of pre-retirement age (N = 382) revealed that in the area of career, the most important psychological factors of preparing for retirement are career self-efficacy and the following personality traits: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness to experience, as well as two time perspectives – past positive and future positive. In the area of finances, the most important psychological factors of preparing for retirement are financial risk tolerance and the following personality traits: extraversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism, as well as these times perspectives – past negative, past positive, present fatalistic, future positive, and future negative. The research on people of pre-retirement age (data from the Lithuanian sample of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe were used, N = 926) showed that career-based and financial preparation for retirement of retirees predicted psychological well-being, even taking into account other potentially important factors of well-being.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022