Title Žiniasklaidos naratyvo tyrimo prieigos konstravimas: Lietuvos periodinės spaudos leidinių „Respublika“ ir „Lietuvos rytas“ publikacijų emigracijos tema analizė (1991–2017 m.) /
Translation of Title Construction of media narrative research approach: analysis of emigration publications of Lithuanian periodicals “Respublika” and “Lietuvos rytas” (1991–2017).
Authors Nabažaitė, Erika
DOI 10.15388/vu.thesis.342
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Pages 300
Keywords [eng] media narrative research approach ; holistic narrative ; elements of the narrative ; periodical press ; emigration
Abstract [eng] The dissertation aims to reveal the construction of narrative in the media as a holistic narrative that combines different genres of journalistic texts. Using the elements of the narrative – characters, context, storyline – the dissertation constructs an approach to narrative research that allows for the formation of a single narrative in the media from a set of journalistic texts with different topics. Using the portrayal of emigration as a social problem in the periodical publications "Respublika" and "Lietuvos rytas" in the years of 1991-2017, the constructed narrative research approach is applied. After identifying the narrative and highlighting the specificity of its elements, it has been revealed that the media, when telling about emigration, emphasize in their publications the same spectrum of factors of the causes of emigration, invariable in the perspective of time, which do not coincide with the sociological trends of emigration development. The narrative revealing the impact of emigration is more dynamic in terms of storyline construction, but the effects of emigration are not sufficiently revealed in periodical publications due to the lack of continuity in the stories, and therefore cannot be objectively evaluated without further empirical research.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022