Title Muscle oxigenation during different intensity and duration of time training sessions in world-class kayak rowers /
Authors Dadelienė, Rūta ; Nekriošius, Ričardas ; Dadelo, Stanislavas
ISBN 9783981841459
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Is Part of 27th Annual Congress of the European college of sport science, 30 August – 2 September 2022, Sevilla, España : book of abstracts.. Cologne : SporTools GmbH, 2022. p. 574-575.. ISBN 9783981841459
Keywords [eng] elite kayak athletes ; muscles oxygen saturation ; lactate
Abstract [eng] INTRODUCTION: Aerobic metabolism processes in muscles play essential role in 1000 m. distance for kayak rowers’ work. Interval training method is used as one of the means of training methods, applied for kayak rowers training. Therefore, the aim of the study was to explore an effect of different intensity and duration of time training workouts for world-class kayak rowers’ (500 and 1000 m.) muscle oxygenation. METHODS: Case study was carried out during preparatory cycle in 1919-2020. Two world-class kayak rowers participated in this study (K2). Muscle oxygenation was measured using MOXY Oxygen Monitor device while athletes worked on kayak ergometer DANSPRINT. Sensors were fixed on athletes’ Quadriceps and Pectoralis Major Muscles. After 30 warming up, there were two different interval-training sessions. The first – athletes repeated 6 min duration work 6 times, which was followed by 6 min sitting at rest. During 6 min workout athletes worked 60 s - 220 W (at anaerobic threshold limit) and 60 s – 60 W. The second session – athletes also repeated 6 min duration work 6 times, which was followed by 6 min sitting at rest. However, during 6 min workout athletes worked 10 s - 320 W (at critical intensity limit) and 30 s – 60 W. RESULTS: Muscles deoxygenation processes were better visible in Quadriceps muscles than in Pectoralis Major Muscles. Oxygen consumption during 6 min session (60 s - 220 W and 60 s – 60 W) changed by more than during 6 min session (60 s - 320 W and 30 s – 60 W). However, amount of oxygen equally returned to baseline level during 6 min rest after different 6 min sessions. Heart rate during 6 min different intensity and duration of time training workout reached ventilation anaerobic threshold. During 60 s rest after 60 s - 220 W work HR decreased until 120-130 b/min, while during 30 s rest after 60 s - 320 W workout decrease significant more. Lactate concentration show little activity of glycolytic reactions and was without differences in both different training sessions (3.5-4.5 mml/l). CONCLUSION: This study revealed that during different intensity and duration of time training workouts did not provoke different scale of muscle oxygenation in world-class kayak rowers’. Though during second training session athletes reached capacity that achieves through competitions, glycolytic reactions was active without significant differences comparing to the first training session. We can assume that for enhancing aerobic metabolism is suitable to use workout at anaerobic threshold limit.
Published Cologne : SporTools GmbH, 2022
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2022