Title Components of NOTCH signaling for uterine cancer patients' prognosis /
Authors Lachej, Nadežda ; Dabkevičienė, Daiva ; Fadejeva, Julija ; Sabaliauskaitė, Rasa ; Jonušienė, Violeta ; Brasiūnas, Vytautas ; Sasnauskienė, Aušra ; Vaicekauskaitė, Ieva ; Brasiūnienė, Birutė ; Kanopienė, Daiva ; Sužiedėlis, Kęstutis ; Didžiapetrienė, Janina
DOI 10.1155/2022/8199306
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Is Part of Journal of oncology.. Hindawi Limited. 2022, vol. 2022, art.no. 8199306, p. 1333-1338.. ISSN 1687-8450. eISSN 1687-8469
Abstract [eng] New molecular biomarkers that could have an independent prognostic value in endometrial cancer are currently under investigation. Recently, it was suggested that genetic changes in the Notch signaling pathway could be associated with the development of endometrial carcinoma. This study aimed to determine the expression of the Notch signaling pathway components in tumour and adjacent normal uterine tissue and to evaluate their importance for the survival of uterine cancer patients. The present study was performed on uterine body samples collected from 109 patients and paired adjacent noncancerous endometrial tissue samples. Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox regression were used for survival analyses. Expression alterations of NOTCH2, NOTCH3, NOTCH4, JAG2, and HES1 were evaluated as independent and significant prognostic factors for uterine cancer patients.
Published Hindawi Limited
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2022
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