Title Элементы необарокко в современной русской литературе /
Translation of Title (Neo)barokiniai šiuolaikinės rusų literatūros aspektai.
Translation of Title the elements of (Neo)Baroque in Modern Russian literature.
Authors Čenys, Tomas
DOI 10.15388/vu.thesis.359
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Pages 167
Keywords [eng] Neo-baroque ; Viktor Pelevin ; Vladimir Sharov ; Yuri Buida ; postmodernism
Abstract [eng] This thesis analyses the neo-baroque elements in contemporary Russian literature. The analysis is based on the texts of the three contemporary Russian writers - Viktor Pelevin, Vladimir Sharov and Yuri Buida. The theoretical framework of our analysis is based on the definitions of the neo-baroque style developed by Omar Calabrese and Mark Lipovetsky. We explore the issue of the definition of the neo-baroque and its relation to postmodernism, as well as to modernism in the context of the Russian literary tradition. We argue that neo-baroque, although sharing some common traits with Russian postmodernism, has become established as an autonomous style within contemporary Russian literature. We analyze such elements of the neo-baroque aesthetics as instability (featuring in the texts of monsters), baroque citation, rhythm of breaks and iterations (texts, although fragmented, are connected by repetitive overarching motives), labyrinths, the role of limit and excess. The thesis also aims to explore the connection between the elements of the neo-baroque aesthetic and the presence of a didactical intonation in texts.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Russian
Publication date 2022