Title The metaphoricity of the us presidential debate: democrats vs republicans /
Translation of Title JAV prezidento debatų metaforiškumas: ką siekia pasakyti demokratai ir respublikonai?
Authors Klimaitė, Liucija
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Pages 173
Keywords [eng] Conceptual Metaphor Theory, metaphors, debates, Republicans, Democrats, Strict Father, Nurturant Parent, konceptualiosios metaforos teorija, metaforos, debatai, respublikonai, demokratai, griežtasis tėvas, globojantys tėvais.
Abstract [eng] This thesis analyses metaphors used in the US presidential election debates of the 2016 and 2020 elections following the Conceptual Metaphor Theory (Lakoff & Johnson 1980). The aim of this thesis was to find out what kind of image US politicians construct with the help of metaphors and to verify whether the identified metaphors align with Lakoff’s Nurturant Parent model for Democrats and Strict Father model for Republicans (1996). Metaphors were identified following methodologies by Stefanowitsch (2004) and Pragglejaz Group (2007). The analysis of metaphors revealed that the image of the US is constructed using metaphors AMERICA IS A PERSON and AMERICA IS AN OBJECT. Most frequently used person metaphor by Democrats constructed an image of the US who is kind, trustworthy, socially active, responsible and tolerant, while Republicans see the US as physically strong, self-centered and isolated. A few instances validating Lakoff’s models of Nurturant Parent and Strict Father were found; however, as there were only few cases models were found not significantly effective.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2021